Freedom of Information Act

How to File a Freedom of Information Act Request

Please make your request for records in writing. The Waukegan Port District does not require the completion of a standard form for this purpose. You may submit your written request by mail, fax or e‐mail.
Please direct your request to:

FOIA Officers:
Skip Goss, Airport General Manager
2601 Plane Rest Drive
Waukegan, IL 60087
Phone: 847-244-0055
Fax: 847-244-3813

Joe Seidelmann, Harbor General Manager
55 South Harbor Place
Waukegan, IL 60085-5619
Phone: 847-244-3133
Fax: 847-244-1348

  • Please be as specific as possible when describing the records you are seeking. Remember, the Freedom of Information Act is designed to allow you to inspect or receive copies of records. It is not designed to require a public body to answer questions. To the extent that you wish to ask questions of a representative of the Waukegan Port District, you may call our office at 847‐244‐3133 to be directed to the proper person.
  • Please tell us whether you would like copies of the requested records, or whether you wish to examine the records in person. You have the right to either option.
  • There is no fee for up to 50 pages of standard paper copies. For pages beyond 50, there is a 15 cent per page charge.
  • You are permitted to ask for a waiver of copying fees. To do so, please include the following statement (or a similar statement) in your written FOIA request: “I request a waiver of all fees associated with this request.” In addition, you must include a specific explanation as to why your request for information is in the public interest – not simply your personal interest – and merits a fee waiver.
  • Please include your name, preferred telephone number(s), mailing address, and, if you wish, your electronic mailing address.

You can download the PDF below that contains the complete instructions and form on how to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Waukegan Port District.

  • Audits
  • Bid Records
  • Budgets
  • Certificates of Insurance
  • Certificates of Status of Exempt Property
  • Construction Contracts
  • Financial Reports
  • “Freedom of Information Act” Requests
  • Land Leases
  • Minutes and Agendas
  • Ordinances
  • Statement of Economic Interest Lists
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
  • Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
  • Wildlife Hazard Plan

WAUKEGAN PORT DISTRICT is a political subdivision, body politic and municipal corporation created by Illinois Statute in 1955 and thereafter amended, 70 ILCS 1865. The District is responsible for the operation and development of Waukegan National Airport and Waukegan Harbor.

The governing and administrative body of the Port District consists of seven members, known as the Waukegan Port District Board. Board Members are appointed by the Governor of the State of Illinois (3 Members) and by the Mayor of the City of Waukegan (4 Members).

Directors elect from among themselves, a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.

The Board manages the properties and business of the District and its employees. The District employs an Airport Manager, a Harbor Manager, 19 full time employees and about 30 others either part-time or seasonal.

The Waukegan Port District embraces all the territory included within the corporate limits of the City of Waukegan and all the territory lying north of the center line of sections 31 and 32, township 45 north, range 12, east of the third principal meridian, and east of the east line of the right‐of‐way of the Chicago and North Western Railway in section 31 and in sections 36, 25, 24, 13, 12 and 1 in township 45 north, range 11, east of the third principal meridian and section 36, township 46 north, range 11, east of the third principal meridian and south of the north line of section 36 township 46 north, range 11, east of the third principal meridian, and the north line of sections 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 in township 46 north, range 12, east of the third principal meridian (except the territory lying within the corporate limits of the Village of Gurnee as said limits exist on the effective date of an amendatory act of 1957), including an area in Lake Michigan which lies within a projection easterly of the territory lying south of the north line of section 35, township 46 north, range 12, east of the third principal meridian, and north of the south line of section 28, township 45 north, range 12, east of the third principal meridian, for a distance of two miles into said lake.

The Waukegan Port District is not supported by tax revenue. The operating and capital budget is approximately $4,000,000. The operating budget is based on gross receipts derived from slip and fuel fees, user fees and fuel flowage, and land leases.

The Waukegan Port Districts owns and operates the Waukegan Harbor and the Waukegan National Airport.

The Waukegan Harbor consists of two separate facilities, North Harbor, a commercial and industrial port and the South Harbor Marina which is a recreational facility.

Waukegan National Airport (UGN) is a general aviation facility with a 6,000 foot runway, Instrument Landing System, Air Traffic Control Tower, and U.S. Customs Service.

Filing Instructions

How to File a Freedom of Information Act Request

Please make your request for records in writing. The Waukegan Port District does not require the completion of a standard form for this purpose. You may submit your written request by mail, fax or e‐mail.
Please direct your request to:

FOIA Officers:
Skip Goss, Airport General Manager
2601 Plane Rest Drive
Waukegan, IL 60087
Phone: 847-244-0055
Fax: 847-244-3813

Joe Seidelmann, Harbor General Manager
55 South Harbor Place
Waukegan, IL 60085-5619
Phone: 847-244-3133
Fax: 847-244-1348

  • Please be as specific as possible when describing the records you are seeking. Remember, the Freedom of Information Act is designed to allow you to inspect or receive copies of records. It is not designed to require a public body to answer questions. To the extent that you wish to ask questions of a representative of the Waukegan Port District, you may call our office at 847‐244‐3133 to be directed to the proper person.
  • Please tell us whether you would like copies of the requested records, or whether you wish to examine the records in person. You have the right to either option.
  • There is no fee for up to 50 pages of standard paper copies. For pages beyond 50, there is a 15 cent per page charge.
  • You are permitted to ask for a waiver of copying fees. To do so, please include the following statement (or a similar statement) in your written FOIA request: “I request a waiver of all fees associated with this request.” In addition, you must include a specific explanation as to why your request for information is in the public interest – not simply your personal interest – and merits a fee waiver.
  • Please include your name, preferred telephone number(s), mailing address, and, if you wish, your electronic mailing address.

You can download the PDF below that contains the complete instructions and form on how to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Waukegan Port District.

List of Records
  • Audits
  • Bid Records
  • Budgets
  • Certificates of Insurance
  • Certificates of Status of Exempt Property
  • Construction Contracts
  • Financial Reports
  • “Freedom of Information Act” Requests
  • Land Leases
  • Minutes and Agendas
  • Ordinances
  • Statement of Economic Interest Lists
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
  • Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
  • Wildlife Hazard Plan
Org Chart

WAUKEGAN PORT DISTRICT is a political subdivision, body politic and municipal corporation created by Illinois Statute in 1955 and thereafter amended, 70 ILCS 1865. The District is responsible for the operation and development of Waukegan National Airport and Waukegan Harbor.

The governing and administrative body of the Port District consists of seven members, known as the Waukegan Port District Board. Board Members are appointed by the Governor of the State of Illinois (3 Members) and by the Mayor of the City of Waukegan (4 Members).

Directors elect from among themselves, a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.

The Board manages the properties and business of the District and its employees. The District employs an Airport Manager, a Harbor Manager, 19 full time employees and about 30 others either part-time or seasonal.

The Waukegan Port District embraces all the territory included within the corporate limits of the City of Waukegan and all the territory lying north of the center line of sections 31 and 32, township 45 north, range 12, east of the third principal meridian, and east of the east line of the right‐of‐way of the Chicago and North Western Railway in section 31 and in sections 36, 25, 24, 13, 12 and 1 in township 45 north, range 11, east of the third principal meridian and section 36, township 46 north, range 11, east of the third principal meridian and south of the north line of section 36 township 46 north, range 11, east of the third principal meridian, and the north line of sections 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 in township 46 north, range 12, east of the third principal meridian (except the territory lying within the corporate limits of the Village of Gurnee as said limits exist on the effective date of an amendatory act of 1957), including an area in Lake Michigan which lies within a projection easterly of the territory lying south of the north line of section 35, township 46 north, range 12, east of the third principal meridian, and north of the south line of section 28, township 45 north, range 12, east of the third principal meridian, for a distance of two miles into said lake.

The Waukegan Port District is not supported by tax revenue. The operating and capital budget is approximately $4,000,000. The operating budget is based on gross receipts derived from slip and fuel fees, user fees and fuel flowage, and land leases.

The Waukegan Port Districts owns and operates the Waukegan Harbor and the Waukegan National Airport.

The Waukegan Harbor consists of two separate facilities, North Harbor, a commercial and industrial port and the South Harbor Marina which is a recreational facility.

Waukegan National Airport (UGN) is a general aviation facility with a 6,000 foot runway, Instrument Landing System, Air Traffic Control Tower, and U.S. Customs Service.